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Coaching Programs


Shooting Star of Realtors

"White Label" my Amazon Best Selling book and make it your own! Be the author of your own book to use for marketing yourself as the Realtor to hire for this niche in your local area.

 Also included is my trifold brochure you can make your own. I use this to hand out at Senior Events, Senior Community Centers, to Attorneys, CPA's, Financial Advisors and more.


Shake That Money Tree

Let's get you making more money! Often times we have limiting beliefs holding us back and we don't even realize it. This self directed course has you dig into your subconscious mind and discover what is holding you back from earning the income you want (and more) without changing anything else other than removing your limiting beliefs. Life Changing in every aspect of your life!


One Call to Get You
on Track

Often times having one brainstorming session can help things become more clear. I am highly intuitive and experienced and can quickly hear your blindspots and what's holding you back. 


One on One Monthly Coaching

This is for the Realtor ready to make waves in their life + level up in all areas, but who wants individualized coaching. This path is designed to support you to move beyond your doubts and fears, provide proven strategies so you can create the life and business you dream to live.

Weekly Coaching Calls.

I do not subscribe to work 24-7 to achieve massive success either!

Purchase in Monthly Segments.

* I only work with a very few clients this way. Book a call to

discuss more

Notepad on Desk

Shooting Star of Realtors

Do you want to GO ALL IN and thrive in the Seniors Market of Real Estate?

How would you like to be the expert Real Estate Agent specializing in the Seniors Market in your area with a book written by you?
All you have to do is customize it and put your name on the front as the author.
Watch the respect and demand for you skyrocket!


This is A Premier Program!

If you are ready to go all in on the Seniors market which is going
to be booming the next twenty+ years with our aging population, 

you have found the best way to skyrocket your business! 

White label my Amazon Bestselling book:
“Next Chapter Real Estate. 
The Ultimate Guide to
Downsizing an Aging Parent and Selling an Inherited House.”

Talk about impressing people in your market as an author! 
I provide the manuscript of the book in word document form. 
You can then edit and customize to you. I provide resources to create a new title/book cover
and printing resources. 

You purchase 200 copies that you can use for marketing purposes and to
sell from your personal website to people in your local market. 

The only thing you can’t do, is sell it commercially or sell it or promote it outside your local area. 
Watch this elevate you to celebrity status in your local market! 

Customizable marketing materials!
Access to my proven, trifold brochure unique to the Seniors market that helps you stand apart 
from other
Realtors with Attorneys, CPA’s, Investment Advisors, Funeral Homes, Assisted Living 
communities and more. 
Plus, additional marketing materials that are easy to customize!

Again, plug and play to add your personal contact info. Customize my proven Listing Presentation Material to
highlight all you do for Sellers in the 
Seniors demographic/inherited property sale niche.

Two calls with Annie to implement these products. One when you purchase so you feel comfortable
with your next steps, one when you are almost complete and have any additional questions. Unlimited emails.



How does it work?


Each of us are unique and want to create a business that works for us. Stop listening to the noise of what is the next best thing. Trust yourself to choose what resonates for you!


However, this is a two-way street. I do not accept anyone and everyone. I am VERY specific with the type of person I work with in EVERY program I offer.


With any option, schedule a consultation and we can see if it feels like a good fit for both of us.

Woman at Work
Garden Beside the Sea

Shake Your
Money Tree!


Let's shake that money tree in your backyard! Money does grow on trees!

A 5 step self-paced course to move you from financial lack into financial abundance.

This course will alter the way you see money. If you have blocks around having financial

abundance, your real estate business will never flourish the way you deserve!

Do any of the following statements ring true for you?


  • I never have enough money

  • My business is like a roller coaster of closings

  • Sometimes business is great, then it's crickets 

  • Money comes in as fast as it goes out

  • Real Estate is such a grind 


If you answered yes to any of the above then this course is going to flip your money stories 

on their head and have you thinking about money in a whole new ABUNDANT way.

Each week you will receive an email containing a video + homework 

Set with each week and answer the questions from the heart, this is powerful work that

deserves to be treated with utmost respect.

You want financial abundance after all, right? 

Kick your money worries to the curb and overhaul your beliefs right here, right now


Woman Working on Laptop

One on One Call To Get Back on Track!

Sometimes we are just stuck in our business and unsure which way to go. Talking it through with an objective person with experience hearing through what is really going on can help unblock roadblocks that are keeping you stuck.

Each call is 55 mins. Book whenever you feel the need!

One on One Monthly Coaching

                                         This isn't about a "one size fits all" coaching method. It is paramount for me to                                                understand how you got to where you are, what inspires you, what excites you,                                              what do you dread, what does the ideal day look like for you and more!

                                         Once I get a grasp of who you are and what you want with your business (which                                             also impacts your personal life), I can start guiding you on steps to take to live                                               your most confident, unapologetic version of yourself in your professional and                                             personal life - plus financially rewarding!


Prior to our first call, I have you take a simple test:  the Enneagram Test to discover your "type." This is a life changing tool to help you see and understand your own natural proclivity in how YOU perceive and react to situations in your life. Once we understand this, it is MUCH easier to guide you in making minor changes that will have HUGE results in helping you achieve what you want.


  • Ready to finally feel like you are on YOUR best path, not one your Broker is telling everyone in the office to follow?

  • Ready to discover what limiting beliefs are holding you back? 

  • Ready to re-program your subconscious mind which controls 95% of your beliefs?

  • Ready to learn exactly what to do for YOUR business to attract clients vs grinding in your days trying to force clients to come to you - using proven methods that will work for YOU?

  • Ready to toss the negativity from your life once and for all?

  • Ready to stop chasing the next best lead generation gimmick ?

  • Ready to pass go and collect the appreciation you deserve from yourself + your clients?

  • Ready to jump off the life raft + navigate the white waters of YOUR life with the support + guidance of someone who has travelled the river before you?


I  specialize in bringing a refreshing, positive perspective to Realtors with big hearts, integrity and a desire to be financially rewarded, but  who are tired of feeling defeated and frustrated by their business. Are you tired of watching some loudmouth/cheesy Realtor continually have massive success while you sit by knowing you're a better Realtor than they are?


If reading the above made the hairs on your arms stand to attention then I invite you to say yes to yourself + your desires.

When we declare we want more + say YES, the wheels are set in motion for the most magnificent changes to occur.


Your investment: 

Weekly call is via zoom or phone (you chose what you prefer)

First call, 90 minutes

55 minute sessions thereafter

Weekly follow up email + check-in so that you feel supported and guided.  

Monthly purchase is required. 

You can stop anytime you feel ready.


  Annie F. Baker | Next Chapter Annie

Real Estate & Mindset Coaching




Los Gatos, CA 95030

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©2022 by Next Chapter Annie

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