Are You Exhausted Searching for the Right Lead Generation Strategies in Real Estate?
Does creating a business based on attracting the perfect client vs. hunting for one resonate with you?
Are you wanting consistent closings, making good money?
When you direct your thoughts, you direct your life.
This is starting point #1 to get you what you want with your career.

* Are you sick and tired of the feast or famine in your
Real Estate Business?
* Are you tired of the grind of finding new leads ?
* Are you sick and tired of the empty promises of
programs that say they have proven techniques to
get you leads, but the good leads never come?
* Is your business doing ok, but you want more?
* Want to be known as the Senior Real Estate
Specialist in your area?
This program may be right for you if:
You are willing to go above and beyond for your clients when they are selling a house.
You want referrals as your main source of business.
You want to wake up and actually be excited about your day.
Are you curious what the program is all about?

I was in your shoes for years. I had “shiny penny syndrome” as I chased the next lead gen program that was supposedly the next best thing since sliced bread. Ugh, the frustration!!
Zillow Leads, Trulia Seller Leads, Door knocking and post card mailing with the newest script or postcard, cold calling services, the latest and greatest website drip system…you name it, I tried it.
On top of it all, I’m more of an introvert than an extrovert so everything was more of an effort and tiring for me.
With my program, I don’t accept any Real Estate Agent who wants to sign up. This is a two way street! I hand pick agents I'll work with. My system has earned me in the top 1.5% in the USA of all Realtors. I want my system and process of helping others to live on with INTEGRITY across North America. And I get to be selective who I allow in.
I want a certain type of person who has integrity, is willing to put in some directed work, and who will have patience with this demographic of clients. I don’t care if you are or aren’t one of the top Real Estate Agents in your area, but if you join this program, you will be in the top!

Hi! I'm Annie
I have done the hard work for you.
I started focusing my business in this way out of absolute frustration and being sick and tired of the roller coaster of business and the constant
not knowing if I would have money in the bank.

I randomly worked with an 81 yr old Seller in 2010
and it changed the trajectory of my career.
I am in the top 1% of Real Estate Agents in all
of California, top 1.5% Nationwide and never
have to worry about whether I’ll have business
or not.
All because I became an expert in ONE NICHE!
And I’m here to tell you, if you follow my
marketing plan and allow me to coach you
along the way, this will be you.
I can’t convey the difference it is to wake up
excited about my day, vs stressing what to do to get more business.
And the best part of all, I control my own schedule.
I’m not available 24/7,
I don’t work weekends or evenings unless I want to.